K-pop lirik-Twice - Cheer Up -Chordness

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K-pop lirik-Twice - Cheer Up -Chordness

All the lyrics are made up of Korean, Korean order, and English translation for Korean learners and you can take quizzes at the bottom. G # refers to the number in Grammar pages.  If this is your first visit, please check the page 'K-Grammar basics'   Also, you can click here to learn vocabulary of this song with flashcards and quizzes at memrise.com  I hope you enjoy learning Korean and my blog will be much helpful. ^_^  Please visit my Facebook page and ' like' it to get the latest updates in your news feed.
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Twice - Cheer Up ( released in April, 2016)

매일 울리는 (G6)
everyday ringing

Bell Bell Bell

From now on

나를 배려 해줘 (G28)
me care for
( Care for me.)

배터리 낭비하긴 싫어 (G5)
battery wasting hate
( I hate to waste my battery.)

자꾸만 봐
(I) keep just looking
( I just keep looking.)

자꾸 자꾸만 와
(It) keeps just coming
( It just keeps coming.)

전화가 ‘ 펑 ‘ 터질 것만 같아 (G42-3)
phone ‘ BOOM’  explode just I think
( I think my phone’s gonna just explode.)

몰라 ( x2)
(I) don’t know

숨도 쉰대 (G32-1)
breathe even can't he says
( He says he can’t even breathe.)

때문에 /  힘들어
me because of / (he's)  struggling and

‘쿵’ 심장이 떨어진대 (G32-1)
‘THUD ‘ heart drop he says
( He says he's struggling and his heart is dropping because of me.)

why ?

은 / 나 너무 예쁘대 (G32-2)
his words / I  so pretty
( He says that I’m so pretty.)

자랑 하는건 아니구 (G50,3)
showing off not and
( I’m not showing off.)

단어 ) 매일 : everyday,  울리다 : to ring , 이제 : from now on , 나를 :me (casual) , 배려하다 : to care for , to be thoughtful,  배터리 : battery,  낭비하다 : to waste , 싫다 : to hate , 자꾸 V~ : to keep ~ V-ing , - 만 : just - , 전화 : phone , 펑! : boom! ( exploding sound ) , 터지다 : to explode,  모르다 : to not know , 숨 쉬다 : to breathe ( 숨 :breath)  , 나 : me , I (casual) ,  N 때문에 : because of N , 힘들다 : to be struggling,  쿵 : thud, plop ,  ( a dropping sound) , 심장 : heart , 떨어지다 : to drop , 왜 : why , 걔 : he / she ( casual ) ,말 :words , 너무 : too, so , 예쁘다 : to be pretty , 자랑하다 : to show off


A while ago

받아서 미안해 (G29-2)
couldn't  answer so sorry
( Sorry I couldn’t answer a while ago.)

친구를 만나느라 (G101)
friends meeting because
( Because I was meeting my friends,)

Shy Shy Shy

만나긴 좀 그렇구  (G5)
meeting a bit hard to say
( It is hard to say about meeting right now.)


이따 연락할게 later (G57)
a bit later call (I) will later
( I will call you a bit later.)

조르지 마 (G2)
beg don't
( Don’t beg.)

얼마 가지 않아 (G21)
Some time go not

부르게 해줄게 Baby (G15-1,28,57)
call ( I'll)  let baby
( It won't be long till I let you call me baby.)

아직은 좀 일러
Still a bit early

갖긴 일러 (G5)
my heart winning early
( Winning my heart is early.)

하지만 더 보여줄래 (G66)
But  more show (I’ll)
( But I'll show you more.)

단어 ) 아까 : a while ago , 전화 받다 : to answer the phone , 미안하다 : to be sorry , 친구 : friend , 만나다 : to meet , 좀 그렇다 : to be hard to say a bit , 좀 이따 : a bit later , 연락하다 : to contact , to call  , 조르다 : to beg , 얼마  : some time , 가다 : to go , 부르다 : to call, 아직 : still , 좀 : a bit , 이르다 : to be early , 내 : my ( casual ), 맘을 갖다 : to win one’s heart, 하지만 : but , 더 : more , 보여주다 : to show


힘을 내
a little more cheer up
( Cheer up a little more.)

여자가 쉽게 을 주면 / 안 돼 (G22-1)
woman easily heart give if / not ok
( A woman shouldn't give her heart too easily.)

그래야 니가 더 좋아하게 될걸 (G102,84 )
That's how  you me more get to like
( That’s how you’ll get to like me even more.)

태연하게  연기할래 (G66)
calmly    act  (I'll)
( I’ll act calm.)

아무렇지 않게 (G71)
nothing (It's ) not like
( Like it’s nothing.)

내가 좋아하는 모르게 (G6,71)
I you liking heart unknowingly
( So you won’t know that I like you.)

Just get it together and then baby CHEER UP

단어 ) 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 힘을 내다 : to cheer up , 여자 : woman , 쉽게 : easily , 맘 : heart , 주다 : to give , 되다 : to be ok , 그래야 ~ : that's how ~ , 니 : you (casual)  , 날 : me (casual) , 좋아하다 : to like , 태연하게 : calmly , 연기하다 : to act , 아무렇지 않다 : to feel nothing wrong , 내가 : I (casual) , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 :you , 를 : object marker)  , 모르게 :unknowingly

안절부절 목소리
anxious voice

여기까지 들려
here up to is heard
(Here ,  I can hear the anxiety in your voice .)

에 젖은 전화기(G14)
sweat in wet phone

여기서도 보여
here even is seen
( Even here , I can see the phone wet in sweat.)

바로 바로 대답하는 것 (G50)
Immediately (x2) answering even

매력 없어
( It’s unattractive to answer immediately.)

메시지만 읽고 (G3)
Message only reading and

확인 안 하는 건 기본 (G21,50)
Confirming not basics
( Reading your text and not confirming is the basics.)

어 ~
Oops ~

너무 심했나, boy ? (G23-1)
too was harsh, Boy ?
( Was I too harsh, boy?)

이러다가 / 지칠까 봐 걱정되긴 하고 (G76, 97)
By doing this / get tired ( I'm)  worried and
( I’m worried that you’ll get tired of me doing this.)


안 그러면 , 내가 빠질 것만 같어 (G42-3)
Otherwise , I more fall for you just (I) think
( Otherwise,  I think I’ll just fall for you.)

빠질 것만 같어 (G42-3)
fall for you (I) think
( I think I’ll fall for you.)

단어 ) 안절부절 : a mimetic word for being anxious, 목소리 : voice , 여기까지 : up to here , 들리다 : to be heard , 땀 : sweat ,  젖다 : to be wet , 전화기 : phone , 여기 : here ,  ~도 : even ~ , 보이다 : to be seen , 바로 : immediately,  대답하다 : to answer , 매력 없다 : to be unattractive , 읽다 : to read , 확인하다 : to confirm,  기본 : basics , 너무 : too , 심하다 : to be harsh , 이러다가 :by doing this , 지치다 : to get tired , 걱정되다 : to be worried,  안 그러면 : otherwise,  내가 : I ( casual) , 더 : more , 빠지다 : to fall for , ~만 : just ~


답장을 못해줘서 미안해 (G29-2)
reply couldn't so sorry
( Sorry I couldn't reply.)

친구를 만나느라 (G101)
friends meeting because
( Because I was meeting my friends,)

shy shy shy

만나긴 좀 그렇구 (G5)
meeting a bit hard to say
( It is hard to say about meeting right now.)


좀 이따 연락할게 later (G57)
a bit later call you (I'll)  
( I will call you a bit later.)

조르지 마 (G2)
beg don't
( Don’t beg.)

어디 가지 않아 (G21)
somewhere go not
( I’m not going anywhere.)

되어줄게 (G28,57)
become (I'll)
( I'll become )

너의 Baby
Your baby

너무 빨린 싫어
too fast hate
( I hate it too fast.)

성의를 더 보여
Sincerity more show
( Show me sincerity.)

내가 기다려줄게 (G28,57)
I you wait will
( I will wait for you.)

단어 ) 답장 하다: to reply , 미안하다 : to be sorry , 친구 : friend , 만나다 : to meet , 좀 그렇다 : to be hard to say a bit, 좀 이따 : a bit later , 연락하다 : to contact , to call , 조르다 : to beg , 어디 : somewhere,   가다 : to go , 되다 : to become,  너의 : your (casual)  ,  너무 : too , 빨리 : fast , 싫다 : to hate , 성의 : sincerity,  더 : more , 내가 : I ( casual)  , 널 : you ( casual , a short form of 너를 , 너 :you , 를 : object marker)


힘을 내
a little more cheer up
( Cheer up a little more.)

여자가 쉽게 을 주면 / 안 돼 (G22-1)
woman easily heart give if / not ok
( A woman shouldn't give her heart too easily.)

그래야 니가 더 좋아하게 될걸 (G102,84 )
That's how  you me more get to like
( That’s how you’ll get to like me even more.)

태연하게  연기할래 (G66)
calmly    act  (I'll)
( I’ll act calm.)

아무렇지 않게 (G71)
nothing (It's ) not like
( Like it’s nothing.)

내가 좋아하는 모르게 (G6,71)
I you liking heart unknowingly
( So you won’t know that I like you.)

Just get it together and then baby CHEER UP

단어 ) 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 힘을 내다 : to cheer up , 여자 : woman , 쉽게 : easily , 맘 : heart , 주다 : to give , 되다 : to be ok , 그래야 ~ : that's how ~ , 니 : you (casual)  , 날 : me (casual) , 좋아하다 : to like , 태연하게 : calmly , 연기하다 : to act , 아무렇지 않다 : to feel nothing wrong , 내가 : I (casual) , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 :you , 를 : object marker)  맘 : heart,  모르게 :unknowingly

나도 니가 좋아
I also you like
( I like you, too.)
상처 입을까 봐 걱정되지만 (G76,30)
get hurt (I'm)  worried but
( I’m worried I’ll get hurt but,)

여자니까 이해해주길 (G39-1,28,48)
woman so understand I hope
( I’m a woman , so I hope you understand.)

마음 들킬 까봐 겁이 나 (G76)
Inside heart found out  (I) am scared
( I’m scared that you’ll find out how I feel it in my heart.)

now like
( Like now )

조금만 더 다가와
a little just more approach
( Approach me just a little more.)

그리 오래 걸리진 않아 (G21)
that long take not
( It won't take that long.)

Just get it together and then baby CHEER UP
Be a man, a real man
Gotta see u love me
Like a real man

단어 ) 나 : I (casual)  , ~도 : also ~ , 니 : you (casual) , 좋다 : to be good , 상처 입다 : to get hurt , 걱정되다 : to be worried, 여자 : woman , 이해하다 : to understand,  속 : inside,  마음 : heart,  들키다 : to be found out unexpectedly,  겁이 나다 : to be scared,  지금 : now , ~처럼 : like ~ , 조금 : a little,  ~만 : just ~ , 더 : more , 다가가다 : to approach,  그리 오래 : that long , 걸리다 : to take ( time )


힘을 내
a little more cheer up
( Cheer up a little more.)

여자가 쉽게 을 주면 / 안 돼 (G22-1)
woman easily heart give if / not ok
( A woman shouldn't give her heart too easily.)

그래야 니가 더 좋아하게 될걸 (G102,84 )
That's how  you me more get to like
( That’s how you’ll get to like me even more.)

태연하게  연기할래 (G66)
calmly    act  (I'll)
( I’ll act calm.)

아무렇지 않게 (G71)
nothing (It's ) not like
( Like it’s nothing)

내가 좋아하는 모르게 (G6,71)
I you liking heart unknowingly
( So you won’t know that I like you.)

Just get it together and then baby CHEER UP

단어 ) 좀 : a bit , 더 : more , 힘을 내다 : to cheer up , 여자 : woman , 쉽게 : easily , 맘 : heart , 주다 : to give , 되다 : to be ok , 그래야 ~ : that's how ~ , 니 : you (casual)  , 날 : me (casual) , 좋아하다 : to like , 태연하게 : calmly , 연기하다 : to act , 아무렇지 않다 : to feel nothing wrong , 내가 : I (casual) , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 :you , 를 : object marker)  맘 : heart,  모르게 :unknowingly

Quiz created by Eunha Seo with GoConqr

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