K-pop lirik-Sistar - I Like That-Chordness

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K-pop lirik-Sistar - I Like That-Chordness

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Sistar - I Like That ( released in June, 2016)

I like that
I like that

남자는 똑같다는 게 (G50)
men  same
(Men are the same. )

이 이제 이해돼
that saying now is understood
( Now I understand the saying that men are all the same.)

이 오질 않아 (G21)
feeling come doesn't
( I can’t figure you out.)

란 놈 이젠 (G14)
you like guy now
( Now a guy like you)

있다 없다 왔다 갔다 하는 너를 (G6)
here, not here, come and go you
( You’re here but then you’re not here. You come and go.)

내가 바꿀 수 있다 믿었던 게 (G1,34)
I change could believed
( I believed that I could change you.)

그게 참 바보 같아 (G42-1)
I that really fool think
( I think I was such a fool.)

단어 ) 남자 : man, 똑같다 : to be the same , 그 : that  those , 말 : words , saying , 이제 : now , 이해되다 : to be understood,  감 : feeling , 오다 : to come , 너 : you ( casual ) , A (이)라는 B : B which is like A ,  놈 : guy ( disapproving) , 있다 없다 : to be here and not here  , 왔다 갔다 하다 : to come and go , 내가 : I ( casual) , 바꾸다 : to change , 믿다 : to believe , to trust , 난 : I ( casual , a short form of 나는 , 나 : I , 는 : topik marker ) , 그게 : that (thing) , 참 : really , 바보 : fool

걱정은 하지 마 (G2)
my  worries do don't
( Don’t worry about me )

하나 없다고
you one not here
( Just because you’re not here.)

만 사라지면 (G22)
you just disappear if ok
( If you just disappear,  it is ok.)

그거면 충분해 (G22)
that if enough
( That’s enough.)

me without knowing

찌르고 다닌 그 여자들이나 (G14,91)
(you) poked around those women

잘 해줘
well treat
( Treat well those women you secretly flirted with secretly.)

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

you (I) love
( I love you.)

Your those words

웃기지 마 (G2)
ridiculous don't
( Don't be ridiculous.)

하나안 돼 (G40,21)
you me one with not ok
( I'm not enough for you.)

원래 그런 이야 (G41)
you originally  that kind of guy
( That’s who you are.)

본 걸 원망해 (G50-1)
you meeting God to resent
( I resent God about meeting you.)

단어 ) 내 : my (casual) , 걱정하다 : to worry , 하나 : one , N만 : just N , 사라지다 : to disappear,  그거 : that ( thing ) , 충분하다 : to be enough , 나 : I , me , 몰래 : secretly,  찌르고 다니다 : to poke around , 그 : that , those 여자들 : women , 잘 해주다 : to treat well , 니 : you ( casual) , 좋다 : to like , to be good , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker ) , 사랑하다 : to love , 너의 : your , 말 : words , 웃기다 : to be ridiculous, 넌 : you ( casual , a short form of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : topik marker ) , 나 : me , I ( casual), 하나 : one , 되다 : to be ok , 원래 : originally,    그런 N : that kind of N , 놈 : guy ( disapproving) , 보다 : to meet , 신 : God ,  someone 께 : to someone ( honorific) , 원망하다 : to resent

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

you (I) love
( I love you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

내가 올해 들은 중에 (G14)
I this year heard words among
( Out of all the words I heard this year.)

Those words (are ) the best.

I like that

단어 ) 니 : you ( casual) , 좋다 : to like , to be good , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker ) , 사랑하다 : to love, 내가 : I (casual ) , 올해 : this year , 듣다 : to hear , 말 : words , N 중에 : among N , 그 : that , those , 말 : words , 최고 : the best

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like that
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like this

away go
( Go away.)

Now go

에 가
home  go
( Go home.)

약해지게 하지 마 (G15-1, 2)
become weak make don't
( Don't make me weak.)

back go
( Go back.)

제발 제발 제발 제발 제발
Please please please please

단어 ) 저리 가다 : to go away , 이제 : now , 가다 : to go , 집 : home , 약해지다 : to become weak , 돌아 가다 : to go back , 제발 : please

버려 (G56)
Go away

이나 마셔 (G91)
alcohol just drink
( Just drink alcohol )

우유를 마시던지 (G100)
milk  drink or
( or drink milk.)

잘난 으로 (G14,40)
Those hotshot lips with

어떤 여잘 꼬시던지 (G100)
some woman (you) flirt with or
( or flirt with some women with those hotshot lips)

Play boy

원래 유명 인사
you originally famous person
( Originally,  you are famous for that.)

몰라본 내가 미친 거야 (G14,50-1,41)
you unrecognizing I crazy
( I’m crazy for not recognizing you. )

단어 ) 술 : alcohol,  마시다 : to drink , 우유 : milk , 그 : that , those , 잘난 입 : hotshot lips , 어떤 : some , 여자 : woman , 꼬시다 : to flirt , 넌 : you ( casual , a short form of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : topik marker ) , 원래 : originally,  유명 인사 : famous person , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker ) 몰라보다 : to not recognize,  내가 : I ( casual ), 미치다 : to be crazy

걱정은 하지 마 (G2)
my worries do don't  
( Don't worry about me.)

제발 웃기지 마 (G2)
please ridiculous don't
( Please don't be ridiculous.)

만 사라지면 (G22)
you just disappear if ok
( If you just disappear,  it is ok.)

그걸론 부족해 (G40)
that with insufficient
( That's not enough.)

All night

찌르고 다닌 그 여자들에게 (G14,44)
poked around those women to
( To those women you flirted with all night)

가면 (G22)
go if ok
Just go

단어 ) 내 : my (casual)  , 걱정하다 : to worry , 제발 : please,  웃기다 : to be ridiculous , 너 : you ( casual) , N만 : just N , 사라지다 : to disappear,  그거 : that ( thing ) , 부족하다 : to be insufficient , 밤새워 : all night , 찌르고 다니다 : to poke around , 그 : that , those 여자들 : women , 가다 : to go

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

you (I) love
( I love you.)

Your those words

웃기지 마 (G2)
ridiculous don't
( Don't be ridiculous.)

하나론 안 (G40,21)
you me one with not ok
( I'm not enough for you.)

원래 그런 이야 (G41)
you originally that kind of guy
( That’s who you are.)

본걸 신께 원망해 (G50-1)
you meeting God  resent
( I resent God about meeting you.)

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

you (I) love
( I love you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

내가 올해 들은 중에 (G14)
I this year heard words among
( Out of all the words I heard this year)

Those words (are ) the best.
I like that

단어 ) 니 : you ( casual) , 좋다 : to like , to be good , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker ) , 사랑하다 : to love , 너의 : your , 말 : words , 웃기다 : to be ridiculous, 넌 : you ( casual , a short form of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : topik marker ) , 나 : me , I (casual)  , 하나 : one , 되다 : to be ok , 원래 : originally,    그런 N : that kind of N , 놈 : guy ( disapproving) , 보다 : to meet , 신 : God , someone 께 : to someone ( honorific) , 원망하다 : to resent , 내가 : I (casual ) , 올해 : this year , 듣다 : to hear , 말 : words , N 중에 : among N , 그 : that , those , 말 : words , 최고 : the best

I’m so fine I’m so fine

나를 생각한다면 (G22)
me think if
( If  you care about me, )

Don’t touch me

I’m so fine I’m so fine

나를 생각한다면 (G22)
me think if
( If you care about me,)

Don’t touch me

이제는 누굴 사랑하고 (G3)
now someone love and

이젠 누굴 믿는다는 게 (G50)
now someone trusting

쉽지 않을 것 같아 (G42-3)
easy won't (I) think
( I think now loving and trusting someone won't be easy.)

you you because of
( Because of you )

단어 ) 나를 : me ( casual ) , 생각하다 : to think , to care about , 이제 : now , 누구 : someone , 사랑하다 : to love , 믿다 : to trust , to believe, 쉽다 : to be easy , 너 : you (casual)  , N 땜에 : because of N ,

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

you (I) love
( I love you.)

Your those words

웃기지 마 (G2)
ridiculous don't
( Don't be ridiculous.)

하나안 돼 (G40,21)
you me one with not ok
( I'm not enough for you.)

원래 그런 이야 (G41)
you naturally that kind of guy
( That’s who you are .)

본걸 께 원망해 (G50-1)
you meeting God resent
( I resent God about meeting you.)

니가 좋아
you (I) like
( I like you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

you (I) love
( I love you.)

ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

내가 올해 들은 중에 (G14)
I this year heard words among
( Out of all the words I heard this year)

최고 (G41)
Those words (are ) the best.

I like that

Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like that
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like smile
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh I like that

단어 ) 니 : you ( casual) , 좋다 : to like , to be good , 널 : you ( casual,  a short form of 너를 , 너 : you , 를 : object marker ) , 사랑하다 : to love , 너의 : your , 말 : words , 웃기다 : to be ridiculous, 넌 : you ( casual , a short form of 너는 , 너 : I , 는 : topik marker ) , 나 : me , I (casual)  , 하나 : one , 되다 : to be ok , 원래 : originally,    그런 N : that kind of N , 놈 : guy ( disapproving) , 보다 : to meet , 신 : God , someone 께 : to someone ( honorific) , 원망하다 : to resent , 내가 : I (casual ) , 올해 : this year , 듣다 : to hear , 말 : words , N 중에 : among N , 그 : that , those , 말 : words , 최고 : the best

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